Fruit from the Sands: The Silk Road Origins of the Foods We Eat. By Robert N. Spengler III. 2019. University of California Press, Berkeley. 392 pp.

  • Eugene N. Anderson Department of Anthropology, University of California, Riverside, USA
Keywords: Archaeology, archaeobotany, economic botany, food plants, Silk Road

Author Biography

Eugene N. Anderson, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Riverside, USA

Eugene N. Anderson is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Riverside.



How to Cite
Anderson, E. N. (2019). Fruit from the Sands: The Silk Road Origins of the Foods We Eat. By Robert N. Spengler III. 2019. University of California Press, Berkeley. 392 pp. Ethnobiology Letters, 10(1), 109-110.
Reviews: Perspectives from Gene Anderson’s Bookshelf