Towards an Interdisciplinary Focus on Sound in Ethnobiology Research

  • Claire C Wright Department of Anthropology and Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology, Indiana University, Bloomington.
Keywords: Ethnomusicology, Soundscape ecology, Ethnoecology, Methodology, Perception


Research on perception and ecological knowledge in ethnobiology has primarily focused on sight, in tandem with taste, smell, and touch. Sound, however, has been largely neglected as a topical or methodological focus. This review addresses research in ethnomusicology and soundscape ecology to suggest how attention to sound could open new avenues and add value to ethnoecological research.

Author Biography

Claire C Wright, Department of Anthropology and Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology, Indiana University, Bloomington.
Claire Wright is pursuing a dual PhD in the Department of Folklore and Ethnomusicology and the Department of Anthropology at Indiana University.


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How to Cite
Wright, C. C. (2017). Towards an Interdisciplinary Focus on Sound in Ethnobiology Research. Ethnobiology Letters, 8(1), 58–60.
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